Booking Conditions

Generally Booking Conditions Booking

FEWO-TOSKANA SNC DI RISALITI S. E RANGONI M. is an officially register firm based in 
52014 Poppi (AR) - Località Quorle 12, Italy 
Tax Number/VAT IT02484560517 
It conveys the vacation rental of holiday homes and apartments in Italy. 
The jurisdiction is Arezzo. 

Booking an apartment / a vacation home

On our web pages you will find all our properties, you want one for 1-2 days option to apply for a particular object, because you want to consult first with your group / family, share us immediately in writing, we will give then this option. If you do not want to book laid the object after the specified time, it is automatically at leisure
After you have found the suitable for your needs, please let us know in writing. You will then receive by email from us the lease. 

We need to issue the lease
the number of people arriving, how many adults and many children, 
the age of the children, 
the number and type (race) of any accompanying pets, 
your complete address and phone number 
a phone number where you at Requirements will then be accessible here in Italy. 

The lease you will confirm that after acceptance and approval of the terms thereof in writing via email, also confirm us in writing our terms and conditions.
If we receive from you written confirmation of your request sent by e-mail the rental agreement and no written confirmation of our listed on the website Terms and Conditions (Terms) receive, accept the latest with the transfer of the deposit all of our above-mentioned conditions. 
The prices agreed in the contract prices, future rent increases or price reductions are excluded. 
If without prior notice to us and without our consent more people than originally envisaged in the lease to arrive, the homeowner can you deny entry to the house. It is permitted under any circumstances to accommodate other people who are not part of the lease, in recreational buildings.
The lease is only after your deposit, between 20 - 30% of total rent is (depending on the property), valid. The deposit is made by bank transfer to the account of the home owner. After the deposit please send us by email the deposit slip. You will then receive by email from us with detailed directions. 
As the payment of the remaining rental amount is carried out, will you please see from the booking contract of each holiday home / the respective apartment. 

If the number of persons that are provided in the lease changes, this must be communicated to us necessarily. Shouldincreasing costs, these are calculated subsequently. If additional people were when originally provided in the lease appear on the arrival day, the owner / administrator to deny their access to the house or to require an additional rental fee the right. If above changes in the course of the stay might be incurred in the property, this must be discussed with the house owner / manager who has to decide on any additional costs. 

Almost all villas has to leave a deposit, it must be handed over in cash on arrival to the house owner / manager. The deposit is used to pay for any damage caused by careless use of which has caused the tenant. Minor damage and normal wear and tear are not among them. 
If heating, firewood, electricity, gas, water, telephone, Internet access, etc. billed separately according to consumption (you seen each from the lease), these amounts are offset on departure from the deposit. 

Arrival time
Their arrival in the property is to be 16:00 to 20:00, you should (and so on highway congestion, accidents) are unable to meet unforeseen circumstances this time it is essential to inform the home owner / manager of which, in particular cases, then an arrival later than 22:00 aM be agreed. If you go because of your delay (in the hotel, etc.) must stay, this resulting additional cost is to be borne, apartment-Tuscany is responsible under any circumstances and does not assume the costs.
Please keep in mind that in the weekends of July and August, calculated from your navigation device travel times are exactly the experience not necessarily due to congestion on the highways, so your travel time can often be delayed for hours. 
An earlier arrival at the holiday home, unfortunately / is not possible Apartment because the objects until the day of departure, the Saturday morning 10:00 are almost always occupied, then the houses / apartments must be cleaned and the garden area, pool, etc. also. If you drive at night and therefore are already in the morning at the resort, you would have to ask the time to 16:00 with shopping, drinking coffee or spend like.
Since for Italian holidaymakers reporting requirement, you want to immediately handed over to the owner / manager a photocopy of your papers (passport or ID card), also the member of your party property upon arrival. Otherwise, you can also pass your original papers, which are returned to you after completing the application. 

Departure time
your departure must be no later than 10.00 am on departure day, you should sooner want to leave in the morning or at night or the night before, this is sure to first inform the house owner / manager.

Leaving the holiday property
The holiday property must be left in good sanitary condition, especially the kitchen with the equipment and the bathrooms, otherwise an appropriate amount for the extra cleaning to be performed may be required by the owner. 
If it is not otherwise provided (to say, are the refuse containers within the holiday property and disposed of by the owner) has to care for the disposal of rubbish of the tenants, it can be used while the closest to the land public container - green containers for glass , blue for plastic, open wire container for paper, the other for all other household waste. 

Tourist tax
In some communities, a tax is levied from 1 1, 2012, which must be paid to the owner in cash and is removed from it to the community, in general, there are 
1-2 Euro / person / night.

General cancellation terms
If the cancellation is made up to 61 days before the period of the stay, only the down payment will be retained, if the cancellation occurs between, the customer will be required to pay 50% of the total, from 45 .-31. day the customer will have to pay 75% of the total rent
if the cancellation arrives from the 30th day before arrival, 100% of the rental price is due,
We strongly recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance (please inquire with your insurance company or consult the Internet under travel cancellation insurance).

Defects and complaints
Defects to the rented property must be notified immediately, then when they occur or are detected. Your first point of contact for this is always the respective homeowners. If you have to complain about the initial cleaning of the property, please communicate this to the owner / administrator to immediately remedy can be created. 

It can be recognized after the rental period no more complaints. 
Since it is in the services we objects only to private homes, which have been more or less extensively restored in each case after the owner's taste and equipped, apartment-Tuscany is not responsible if a customer does not find the booked holiday property according to his taste.
Fewo-Toskana hat alle angebotenen Mietobjekte persönlich genau überprüft, bevor sie in unser Angebot aufgenommen wurden, falls später vom Hauseigentümer Veränderungen vorgenommen worden sind, ohne uns davon in Kenntnis zu setzen, können wir dafür nicht zur Verantwortung gezogen werden. 
Wir weisen darauf hin, dass Unwetter, Strom-, Wasser- oder Gasausfall, die abhängig sind von öffentlichen, staatlichen Stellen nicht als Reklamation anerkannt werden können.
Wegen des in Italien in allen Häusern geltenden Stromspannungslimits empfehlen wir unseren Gästen, während ihres Aufenthaltes nur jeweils eines der großen Elektrogeräte (Waschmaschine, Backofen, Geschirrspüler) zu benutzen, da es sonst zu Stromunterbrechungen führen kann. 
Das Vorkommen von Insekten, Ameisen usw. die in südlichen Ländern in den Sommermonaten landestypisch sind, ist nicht als Reklamationsgrund geltend.
Ebenso ist Fewo-Toskana nicht verantwortlich, falls während Ihres Aufenthaltes auf dem Ferienobjekt auf öffentlichen Straßen, die am Grundstück vorbeiführen oder auf Nachbarhäusern/-Grundstücken Instandhaltungs- und Renovierungsarbeiten vorgenommen werden, 
Bei Familien/Gruppen die Behinderte mit sich führen, bitten wir zu bedenken, dass obwohl manche Objekte über Schlaf- und Badezimmer fuer Behinderte verfügen, es sich doch fast immer um private Landhäuser handelt, deren Zugangswege, Gartenwege, Zugang zum Außenbereich und Pool sehr oft trotzdem nicht behindertengerecht sind und wir bitten darum, sich genauestens nach den jeweiligen Einzelheiten zu erkundigen.
The same is true if you carry children with them, please read carefully the descriptions and ask if you have any doubts. 

Access roads
We ask you to remember that Landhausvillen almost never to the gates have paved access roads in the open, untouched nature, you can reach them via the so-called white streets, wants hot gravel roads, which can sometimes be quite steep, narrow or provided with potholes. This is normal in Italy, as there always are private homes with private access roads. 
With normal cars all access roads can be traveled slowly in principle. 
But do you have a particularly low-lying or wide vehicle, please ask carefully before booking, as the nature of the approach road is.
Apartment-Tuscany is not responsible if the access road has deteriorated passable by bad weather and / or when the vehicle owner is not able to drive on dirt roads or narrow, steep paths.

-> important information for owners of four-legged friends.
If the holiday home you have booked accepts pets, we ask you to strictly respect these simple rules:
DO NOT sit / lay pets on beds, sofas, armchairs, chairs, rugs, carpets etc.
DO NOT damage carpets, furniture, equipment etc.
in the garden: DO NOT dig holes and ALWAYS COLLECT excrement.
In the pool: ANIMALS CANNOT IN ANY CASE ENTER THE POOL besides obvious hygienic reasons, animal hair could damage the filtering system of the pool, with unpleasant and very expensive consequences.
In the event of damage, the owners of the animals will be responsible for it and will be required to pay compensation for damage caused by their misconduct.
We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation so that you can spend a pleasant and peaceful holiday. THANK YOU!